
Smile Smile Smile!

We found this one brooke's blog, who is a former student of ours, and we had to share it. I'll quote from her, cause it pretty much sums up what I think about it!

"I’m totally in love with this short film! I love it from a photographers standpoint–in which it reveals some hidden secrets of capturing natural images of people–but I’m also in love with it from a humanist standpoint…the absolute influence we as individuals can have on the lives of those around us! Please enjoy! I smile and even get a little teary eyed every time!"


Brooke Snow said...

Hey! Glad you liked it! We should share it with the world! Thanks for the link! Hope you're doing great!

Anne said...

That is fantastic. I loved the line "You paid for parking...for me?" That's when you know it is something special...