So next we bought 4 yards of black velvet (it catches the light completely-- that's how you do those infant black pictures) and industrial strength velcro, and voila! (French speakers, did i spell that right?) My whole family speaks it, but i gave up a long time ago. Although now i can communicate with an almost-3 year old! We miss you Niko.
Anyways, here's a design of us, and pretend it extends down to include corban's head. Warning: no makeup was used in the production of this shoot, and thus i look terrible. Pretend i have pretty hair and makeup. But we got the hair light working, and it turned out nice for test shots. This is going to be a product we're going to offer families-- a strongly vertical large print (or horiz if they prefer)

Stay tuned for the real deal later this week.
You spelled voila right. Again I am continually impressed with your ingenuity and courage in creating your own business.
I've always wondered if the old adage is true - find a career you love and you'll never work a day in your life... your blogs and website are proving to me that it probably is :)
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