
Jonathan Canlas

One of the first photographers I became aware of in college as I learned photography was another student in one of my photo classes. In the years since then, he's become a big shot, and is internationally known. I enjoy looking at his work, 100% film. You may have heard of his Film is Not Dead workshops. I do enjoy his work. It's simple, and it has a neat quality to it. He has great design sense.

Anyways, he's continually asked so many questions, that he's opened a formspring account that you can just go and post questions. It's simple and awesome. You can spend a lot of time just reading what others have asked (and do, because he won't answer your question if it's been asked before).

Here's just one question someone asked, and his answer. It was perfect for what i needed to hear yesterday:

What is the best thing you've done for your business since you started and this year so far?

best thing I've ever done since I started? not care what other people are doing, especially wedding photographers. no offense, to wedding photographers but, i don't find my inspiration from them or what they do. i found my own path, and have done everything very DYI from the beginning. i stayed true to myself and its paid off immensely.

as far as the best thing I've done for my business this year so far? spend more time with my family. more time with the family means more personal work. more personal work means more time spent refining my vision. more time spent refining my vision makes me a better photographer.

He's real and cool.

So go and check it out here.

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