
Round 2. Tell us what you think.

So this is a jpeg, and the other was gif, so the image itself is better. But design-wise, if you were looking for a photographer, which would you like? What do you/don't you like about the designs?
And number 3...


Lani said...

White on red. I love the contrast and crispness. It's full and rich and intense. Something that I think is reflected in your photography. The other pages are nice too, but the white is sort of unremarkable/unmemorable and the beige/red one is sort of busy-looking, I think. My 2 cents!

Ashton said...

red and cream - it looks classy and soft. And it complements the picture well. Overall, the layout is awesome. I do think the line between the two menus makes it look busy in the small image, but maybe it looks better bigger? I think the cream gives just enough contrast without becoming the subject of the page - still letting your photos highlight themselves. My opinion with Brandon input. He has the better eye for some things :)

Amanda said...

Derek, Kevin, Jenna and I all like the second one better. I don't know that I can really put it in words, but I just like it. The cream and red are really nice together. I just like the overall feeling of it.

Jennifer said...

I like number 3 (red with cream). It looks really nice! Ps: I left the website of our photographer as a comment on my blog in response to yours :)

Unknown said...

I like the red for sure. The contrast is beautiful and the red just says professional. I sure hope I can afford to fly you out for my wedding! you do such a great job! I'm going to miss you now that you have left UT. We'll have to keep in touch.

Maman Pélissié said...

I like the red and white. Looks like this might be a hard choice for you!

Unknown said...

I like #2, the red with the peachy tan. It's softer than the white and is a good color combination.