Browsing your blog and saw the post about the ligthting workshop Zack Arias did at creativeLIVE. Wondering if you got to see any of it? I watched it all - live - glued to my laptop and loving every minute of it! Anyone who didn't see it can download it now for $129 at Worth every penny!
We watched as much as we could, with photoshoots and 2 little kids running around. We bought it before it was over, and haven't watched it yet, but LOVED what we saw. What a down to earth guy. He teaches it so simply, too!
Browsing your blog and saw the post about the ligthting workshop Zack Arias did at creativeLIVE. Wondering if you got to see any of it? I watched it all - live - glued to my laptop and loving every minute of it! Anyone who didn't see it can download it now for $129 at Worth every penny!
We watched as much as we could, with photoshoots and 2 little kids running around. We bought it before it was over, and haven't watched it yet, but LOVED what we saw. What a down to earth guy. He teaches it so simply, too!
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